I like LaTeX for content structure separated from style.
Let's go, Right now, we're doing inside how I build this CI/CD.
Which and why
What is it?
It's my Docker image sycured/latex-builder / Buildah script based on archlinux which include all I need to build my LaTeX documents.
I include my pdfcompressor to compress PDF files.
Drone CI
Drone CI is the easiest and powerful CI/CD that I tested and it's written in Go. In addition, Drone CLI permits you to run your .drone.yml on your computer using Docker without necessitating to push to the repository (command: drone exec
It's good to save artifacts from CI/CD, I use MinIO (S3 compatible).
I created a dedicated bucket and inside I put artifacts from CI/CD inside the right folder.
For my CV, the folder cv is read-only for anonymous access; it's perfect to always share the latest version.
My ultimate weapon about compiling LaTeX documents, I use one CMake module: UseLATEX.
You need to write a CMakeLists.txt like:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.4)
project(cv NONE)
file(GLOB_RECURSE english_files RELATIVE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} english/*.tex)
file(GLOB_RECURSE english-new_files RELATIVE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} english-new/*.tex)
INPUTS ${english_files}
INPUTS ${english-new_files}
How to use it in CI/CD?
I include a shell script: run.sh
rm -rf "$BD" ; mkdir "$BD" && cd "$BD" && cmake -G Ninja "$CD" && ninja && \
pdfcompressor -2 -o cv-en.pdf -i english.pdf && \
pdfcompressor -2 -o cv-en-new.pdf -i english-new.pdf
What's ninja?
Why using this old make with CMake?
No reason, you can use CMake with steroid: Ninja
Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed - https://ninja-build.org/
I need performance (rewriting pdfcompressor to optimize speed: roadmap)